Friday, August 28, 2009

tummy time photo shoot and learning to sit up

These days, my posts usually come in waves..when I find a moment I try to make up for not posting before! Rob is getting so good at picking up his head and looking around while on his tummy, plus, he's learning how to use those stomach muscles and sit up by himself! Here are a few photos from our recent photo shoot...I'm usually not much of a photographer, but I'm pretty proud of these:)

End of August

For many, the end of august means the start of school, the end of summer and perhaps neverending hot and sweaty metro rides...but for the Lucks it means the start of football season, and not just any football season...Virginia football season. This year, it also coincides with the changeover from 0-3 month into 3-6 month clothes for our little guy. As I was switching things around I began to notice a that will probably not surprise any of you...the repetition of two colors, orange and blue.

I decided to take a photo:

now, due to the large amount of options, we have split it into two day gear (above) and formal attire (below)

and a third, winter gear:
now, for those of you who have tried to count let me save you the time..30..yes, 30 items devoted to our alma mater. If anyone was in doubt about our allegiance before, there is now no room for doubt...

yes, we are a little obsessed..well, Robert certainly is and, thank goodness, I like the color scheme:)

Monday, August 3, 2009

two week recap

We have been slacker blog posters recently and hopefully when you hear all that we've been up to, you'll forgive us! In the past two weeks, Robert has studied for and taken the bar exam! He is now done, officially, with Law School and has the next five months to do nothing more than hang out with his son and his wife:) Lauren has spent the last two weeks packing up our home on Arlington Blvd...I had not quite realized how much stuff we accumulated over the past two years, and we had a lot of fun de-cluttering and making some money off of craigslist (enough to pay for two plane tickets to somewhere least, that's my plan!). Thanks to LOTS of help from Mr. and Mrs. Szy and Mr and Mrs Luck, we are officially moved out and cleaned up completely. Robert and I are really going to miss the community that we formed and with friends moving to all parts of the country we are already planning lots of visits to Texas, Costa Rica, Tennessee, Lynchburg/Greenville, and lots more!

Our son has been growing by leaps and bounds also. He is sleeping from 8pm to 7:30am each night (and we couldn't be more pumped), and is awake for up to an hour and a half at a time...which we love. It gives us lots of opportunities to watch him learn and grow. He is grasping toys and studying them, getting better with tummy time, and wanting more and more to be sitting rather than laying down. He has become quite "talkative", making completely incoherant sounds and loving every minute.

Below is a photo of Rob holding his lovie...a little duck that has his name embroidered on it...thanks Mrs. Brandon.