Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today is my first birthday:)

This has been such a crazy week, and it's only wednesday! Even though monday's are usually crazy, this one was especially so with two of our dear friends giving birth, which for meant the constant checking of blog/facebook for updates and texting others to share the news! AND we got to spend our monday on a wonderful walk with our friends Holly and made for a fabulous start to my week.

Then came the usual tuesday trip up to DC for classes.....

BUT today my sweet boy turned one year old...whew, such an emotional roller coaster of a day. In order to prevent the tears, I'm going to pass you off on my sister-in-laws blog spot of photos of our little guy and my sweet niece, Adelyn...
(thanks emily)

Here are a few photos from the day:

With grandpa in front of the happy birthday sign....for those of you that don't know, my mother has had this sign since I was about five years old, every birthday there is a photo taken standing/sitting near it. It's one of my favorite traditions at the Szymanski house.
Then it was opening gifts time...
(that's a fire engine wheel pal...which, before having a boy I wouldn't have known that amazingness of the wheel pal...thanks summer, aura and mrs. H)

Just testing it out to make sure it works:
We ended our day back in Richmond for a VERY special birthday dinner...aunt sissy, uncle william, pop rock and grami came from charlottesville and pop and gran luck from franklin drove in too! It's pop luck's birthday tomorrow so #1 and #4 are just a day apart (and a few years).

We just love the specialness of getting to spend time with Robert 1 and 2....daddy's ok too.

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