Thursday, May 28, 2009

Adelyn Elizabeth

Among other events while in Falls Church, Robert and I got to visit our new sweet niece, Adelyn Elizabeth! Born to Emily and Steven (Robert's brother) on May 26th, she weighed 6 lb and 13 ounces and was 20 and a quarter inches long. Although she had a bit of a rough start, baby girl Luck is doing great and will be heading home with her parents for their first night at home tonight! We can't wait for little Rob to meet his first cousin:)

memorial day and doctor's visits

Robert and I have been busy these past few days! After our time at the River, we headed up to DC for an old fashioned Falls Church City Memorial Day...for anyone who hasn't had the pleasure, it's a fantastic small town affair. We participated in the 3k fun run and stopped every few feet to show off our sweet son! My parents walked with us, and at one point, my father decided that Rob was just too far away from him and he picked him up out of the crib and carried him the rest of the way! It was so nice and comforting to bring him to my roots and introduce him to all our friends who've become extended family throughout the years. Growing up in FC has certainly been a blessing for me, one that I hope to provide for our son...although, sorry mom, it doesn't look like we'll be moving there any time soon.

We also had Rob's six week check up. He is gaining weight and growing like a champ. He's currently weighing in at 10 pounds 2 ounces, in the 50th percentile for weight...and, more importantly to Robert, he is 22.5 inches tall, in the 65 percentile for height! All that feeding and sleeping is paying off.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

getting bigger everyday

We realized, when comparing boppy photos, how much bigger and more alert Rob is getting each day. Two weeks ago, his head barely cleared the top of the boppy, now, he towers over it!

river trip

We packed up and went on our first road trip as parents, spending two days at Robert's grandparents river house...which, for those of you who haven't been lucky enough to visit, is the picture of relaxation and family togetherness. It took us 10 minutes to pack the parents and about an hour to pack for our son and dog..typical of the rest of our lives probably. Little Rob got to meet his first cousins once removed (Robert's cousins)--Andie, Madison and Ellie Asher--who loved on him the whole weekend. Plus he got to spend a bit of time with his great grandfather:

We discovered our sons love/obsession with fans as well. He leans way back and stares up at fans for minutes at a time...pretty hilarious to see!

Sabre loves the river and we love how Sabre acts following the river...lazy, tired and willing to lay around for at least two days following a river trip. This past trip was especially tiring for him because he discovered bowies for the crab pots placed near the dock. To him, they looked like large, floating, tennis balls. As a result, Sabre treaded water, holding on to the bowies for a half hour at a time, only stopping when robert kayaked out to remove it from his mouth! The ride home was a time to rest, but Sabre always made sure that he was still there, peeking over the seats with as minimal effort as possible:

Fast Friends

We've been waiting for our son to be awake enough to finally meet his future best friend, Jonathan Dean (son of our friends Peter and Kim)...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

UVA graduation and birthdays

Robert has officially graduated from Law School and his wife and son are so proud of him! It was a long weekend and we had lots of family in town. We had dinner out in Wintergreen with Christopher and Corrie Norfleet and their families on Friday night and dinner with my parents on Saturday. Saturday afternoon was the Law School cocktail reception, where we got to show off our son and all of his seersucker glory

Yesterday was also my birthday, and my husband did a fabulous job of celebrating with me. I had a wonderful lunch with my friend Kim (without the sons) and dinner with Robert at Vivace! My son’s birthday present was ideal though. At this point, I’m used to a bit of throw up after feedings, but yesterday was particularly special. After his bath he managed to pee, poo and throw up bath water all over me in a matter of moments.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Robert and I have been going back and forth regarding swaddling, mainly because Rob seems to hate being swaddled...even our summer swaddle attempts. He basically loves to stretch and move his arms way too much to stay all bound up. BUT the swaddle keeps him from waking himself up...oh the dilemmas. As a result, we swaddle but often find him like this in the crib:

As you can see, he finds a way out and still peacefully sleeps! We're moving to no swaddle during the day and trying it out for a few days. Nighttime is too precious to attempt to no swaddle, so little Rob will have to fight through those nights for a while.

Monday, May 11, 2009

updated close up

We haven't posted an updated close up in a few days, so here you go...
You'll notice that the car seat still engulfs his entire body, but he's getting a bit bigger!

first mothers day

My first mother's day was wonderful. The day itself was perfect and we got to spend the day with family and friends. Mr and Mrs Szy came down for both Saturday and Sunday, and we had mother's day brunch at Brasserie Montiel (our first experience was fabulous). Brunch was followed by exactly what the mom would love....UVA baseball and lacrosse games. Although not typical mother's day events, for this mom, UVA sporting events are the norm. We relaxed and hung out with my parents and friends on the lawn at the baseball game and then caught part of the first round of the NCAA lacrosse tournament, below is a photo of Robert and his son enjoying the a bite to eat.

finishing school and late nights

The last few days have been interesting for us Lucks. Robert spent the last few days churning out a long paper and a final exam, which he finished at the very last second. This gave me a taste of exactly what being a stay at home mom with no one else around was really like...and let me tell you, that's going to take some getting used to! Robert has been crucial in my ability to calmly figure out parenthood, and the days he was MIA were a wake up call for me for sure. BUT, there is light at the end of the tunnel and he's now enjoying free time before the bar class starts.

Our sweet son decided that the night before the paper was due would be the hardest yet. He decided to have gas pains, which, since I hadn't quite experienced them yet, made me almost rush him to the hospital. Gas pains truly sound like his hand has been cut off, and to a new mommy, they freaked me out. We patiently helped him through 1am to 4am of gas pains and he spent the next day sleeping it off.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

exam time

This past week we've been managing new baby with Robert's law school finals...well, one final and a long paper. It's been difficult for both of us as I've selfishly gotten used to Robert being around to help out and he's gotten used to being able to relax with his son. We will both be VERY thankful when this paper is done! It's also given me a taste of what life would be like with Robert gone all day. I've gotten quite adept at feeding and playing pass with Sabre at the same time...I just can't imagine how people have more than one small child at the same time. In some ways, the dog is harder than another child, but definitely not in many others. Now I just have to master the first two while cooking dinner and I can officially be a mom:)

Little Robert is getting used to our schedule and at this point is sleeping four hours at a time, which means only one night time feeding. We've moved him out of our room and into the nursery permanently which provides for much better sleep for his dad. I'm still glued to the monitor and now understand how my mom was able to awake at the drop of a hat my whole life...I love sleep so it must be that motherly instinct kicking in.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

already competing with Dad

Rob has made it known that he's really the one in control...

a long and wonderful day

We decided to take a visit up to Falls Church on Saturday so that our son could meet a few important people. Robert got to play some golf with Steven for some much needed brotherly bonding, while I got to spend some time with was her first time meeting our little guy, and his first time meeting her daughter (sort of). Our children don't know it yet, but they'll be getting married someday down the road!

We spent the afternoon having lots of fun people stop by, including our neighbor (and really part of the family, she's known me since the day I was born) Suzanne:
and my grandma, who is a great grandmother many times over, but was still excited to meet our sweet is something that I've been waiting two weeks to see.
By the time we left my parents house, our day was really only half over! We had two important stops left. We visited with our great friends, Adam and Jackie for dinner at their house before heading over to spend a bit more time with Steven and Emily...we realize that our days our numbered before there's another little Luck around.