Thursday, May 7, 2009

exam time

This past week we've been managing new baby with Robert's law school finals...well, one final and a long paper. It's been difficult for both of us as I've selfishly gotten used to Robert being around to help out and he's gotten used to being able to relax with his son. We will both be VERY thankful when this paper is done! It's also given me a taste of what life would be like with Robert gone all day. I've gotten quite adept at feeding and playing pass with Sabre at the same time...I just can't imagine how people have more than one small child at the same time. In some ways, the dog is harder than another child, but definitely not in many others. Now I just have to master the first two while cooking dinner and I can officially be a mom:)

Little Robert is getting used to our schedule and at this point is sleeping four hours at a time, which means only one night time feeding. We've moved him out of our room and into the nursery permanently which provides for much better sleep for his dad. I'm still glued to the monitor and now understand how my mom was able to awake at the drop of a hat my whole life...I love sleep so it must be that motherly instinct kicking in.

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