Thursday, May 21, 2009

UVA graduation and birthdays

Robert has officially graduated from Law School and his wife and son are so proud of him! It was a long weekend and we had lots of family in town. We had dinner out in Wintergreen with Christopher and Corrie Norfleet and their families on Friday night and dinner with my parents on Saturday. Saturday afternoon was the Law School cocktail reception, where we got to show off our son and all of his seersucker glory

Yesterday was also my birthday, and my husband did a fabulous job of celebrating with me. I had a wonderful lunch with my friend Kim (without the sons) and dinner with Robert at Vivace! My son’s birthday present was ideal though. At this point, I’m used to a bit of throw up after feedings, but yesterday was particularly special. After his bath he managed to pee, poo and throw up bath water all over me in a matter of moments.


David & Tami Hicks said...

I had no idea it was your birthday...Happy Birthday! I am glad your baby boy thought of you in a special way on your birthday...I love it!

Unknown said...

Congratulation to Robert on graduating!! And I'm glad that little Robert was able to give you such a special gift for your birthday :). I hope to see you sometime over Reunions and meet the little guy in person!
Love, Lauren T.