Friday, November 6, 2009

Triple Whammy

The last few days have been interesting ones for the Luck household. While our son continues to speed through all the important firsts, we approached a few firsts this week that we weren't too excited about.

1. First fever following a shot: Even though he's already had 10+ shots, AND we're doing the alternative (read, less shots at a time) schedule, Robert came down with a fever the last few days...fevers are no fun for little babies.

2. First cold: Runny, congested noses are a pain for adults, but when you can't blow your own nose, they are downright awful...poor boy was so congested that he woke himself up 3, yes, three, times the last two nights...sitting up in his crib, staring around miserable to be awake....we agree little one, let's not make 11, 3 and 5:30 a habit:)

3. First teeth coming in: Although they haven't broken the surface yet, the little guy seems to have three teeth coming in at once...two bottom and one top. This is a huge relief to Grandma Kathy who upon going through her daughter's first full year of life without teeth actually asked the Dentist IF I had teeth at all...gotta love my mother.

So, although we love watching our son grow and change, we would have loved to experience these three firsts at separate times:)

But at the end of the day, when he smiles like the photo below, you just can't help but love him and smile right back:

1 comment:

Emily said...

What an adorable picture. That smile is amazing!!