Sunday, February 7, 2010

Give me the Rock

In case you can't tell already, our little family enjoys UVA sports...some might say that the word obsession comes to mind. So from December-March, whenever we have the opportunity we sit down together to watch some UVA basketball...the men are doing well this year, finally catching up to the perennial success of the women's team:)

Our son loves watching basketball, and I'm slowly teaching him the different defenses, how to box out and exactly what it means to be "clutch" with two minutes left in the fourth far, he listens intently and continues to suck on his truck.

UVA...Go Hoos...Go!

Come on guys...DE-Fense!

Put me in coach...I got what it takes....

Mom's so proud that he's showing such a love for the game at a young's hoping he defies the odds and is 6 feet 4 inches....a college scholarship would come in handy:)

Tonka is my hero

Just two great photos of our little guy on his new Tonka ride on truck...scored in the clearance aisle at Target no less:)

Isn't he getting so big...we really think that he's becoming a little boy now!
(thanks Grami for the photo...we miss you and pop rock and aunt sissy)

All locked up

My son has been crawling up a storm for a few months now and while we love his adventurous side, it means that we've really started to crack down on our babyproofing..especially after a certain grandfather taught him how to climb the stairs...awesome, thanks dad:)

So, we gave in and purchased a permanent top of the stairs gate...Rob finds it completely hilarious, whereas Sabre feels trapped on one side and left out on the evidence by the sulking here's doing here:

Our little man also discovered that his rollie balls fit underneath the gate, so now his favorite activity is sitting a the top of the stairs, and slowly rolling the ball until it falls under the gate and down the which point, he stretches out trying to grasp it...we love his industrious nature and have placed a basket at the bottom of the stairs for him to aim at...what can I say, Im a coach.

Home Sweet Home

OK, so for the 20+ years that I lived in FC, we never had a snow like this...just because I'm jealous, and because it's a gorgeous photo of my family home:

Additionally, and only because my father sent me this hilarious photo, I must include that my father has enjoyed the snow for some good old fashioned male bonding time...who says that men grow out of their fratty stage?

urban trekking

If someone saw the following photos, you'd think that we were on our way to scale a very large (well, medium sized) mountain, not run out for some starbucks. BUT seeing as it decided to snow in Richmond...again...I made it my mission today to get outside. For those of you who don't know this about me already, I love me some's my place of choice for meeting friends, studying or now, just utilizing the drive thru for a quick pick me up:) But 1.5 miles and an hour later, we made it...a bit sweaty, but excited to sit down and enjoy the sunshine and a tall skim mocha.

As an added bonus, we got the dog outside. Having a three year old labrador stuck inside for multiple days is WAY WORSE than being stuck inside with my baby. Our two mile trek today calmed Sabre down for approximately a half hour...incredible for his standards.