Friday, March 4, 2011

Mr. Staples

So if you live or have ever lived in charlottesville...the word Staples means more than an office superstore. The Luck men have a special bond with Staples, the barber shop, since Bob has taken his boys there since they were little....

All this means that is Robert waited until we planned a trip to charlottesville to pay a visit to Staples for little Robert's first haircut. Although I was totally fine with waiting, I had one request...Mr. Staples, the original owner's son, was not allowed to cut my son's hair...I have nothing against the old gentlemen myself, but didn't want his shaky hands near my sons ears! Needless to say, the place was busy that day and Robert claims he had no choice...but you tell me, would you be a little weary of this sweet old man cutting your hair?

This face clearly says...Dad, you must be kidding me...and as a result, they left a bit early...with my son's hair short on the bottom, long on the top...and crooked in the front:)

1 comment:

Emily said...

Robert looks like he is about 10y.o. in those pictures!! Sweet boy. And, no, I would not let that man near my son's hair if I had a choice. Oh the Luck boys, how we love them.