Sunday, June 7, 2009

visits from dear friends

This weekend was Robert and I's 5 year reunion from, how times flies. We realized several things over the course of the weekend:
1. We are certainly in the minority in terms of people our age with kids...I can count on one hand the number of strollers present at Class of 2004 events!
2. The Academical Village is not well equipped for strollers. We went off roading several times just walking from the Rotunda down the lawn, and needed help to travel from the Corner to the Rotunda...things that you don't even consider pre-baby.
3. We have lots of people who love our son already. We got the pleasure of spending time with our dear friends who live in Charleston, the Slagels, who came by the house to see little Rob

Although it was his first time holding a baby, Matt did a fabulous job...he's a natural!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hehehe! Here's hoping that next time they will have one before our next Reunions! :)