Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This is the life...

Two beaches plus a river trip in one month...exhausting for a mom in her third trimester? absolutely...but amazing and fun and totally worthwhile..

let's break them down a bit:

Beach #1--Luck Family beach week: We love going to the beach with the Lucks because we stay put, enjoy ourselves and Rob has a blast playing with his cousin Adelyn...and this year, spent the week being apprehensive of his new cousin Braden...boy, is he in for a rude awakening next month:)

We did some digging, some climbing, some burying and a bit of splashing in the surf...not to mention following Pop Rock around wherever he went!

Next up, and for another day...our trip to Charleston:)

1 comment:

Mrs. Smith said...

SO fun! Your little man totally cracks me up. Love the karate-chop pic on your banner. Did Robert teach him that :).